Pull back the curtain on infinity  
Perfect Squares  
Lists of Perfect Squares and Perfect Square Generator
with Roots and Intervals


View in your browser, download files, or generate your own

1 * 1 = 1
2 * 2 = 4
3 * 3 = 9
4 * 4 = 16
5 * 5 = 25
6 * 6 = 36
7 * 7 = 49
8 * 8 = 64
9 * 9 = 81
10 * 10 = 100
11 * 11 = 121
12 * 12 = 144
13 * 13 = 169
14 * 14 = 196
15 * 15 = 225
16 * 16 = 256
17 * 17 = 289
18 * 18 = 324
19 * 19 = 361
20 * 20 = 400
21 * 21 = 441
22 * 22 = 484
23 * 23 = 529
24 * 24 = 576
25 * 25 = 625
26 * 26 = 676
27 * 27 = 729
28 * 28 = 784
29 * 29 = 841
30 * 30 = 900
31 * 31 = 961
32 * 32 = 1024
33 * 33 = 1089
34 * 34 = 1156
35 * 35 = 1225
36 * 36 = 1296
37 * 37 = 1369
38 * 38 = 1444
39 * 39 = 1521
40 * 40 = 1600
41 * 41 = 1681
42 * 42 = 1764
43 * 43 = 1849
44 * 44 = 1936
45 * 45 = 2025
46 * 46 = 2116
47 * 47 = 2209
48 * 48 = 2304
49 * 49 = 2401
50 * 50 = 2500

These are comma-delimited text files containing 3 columns:
- the square root (the counting number)
- the perfect square (the square number)
- the interval (the difference from the previous perfect square).

First 100

1 - 10,000  (2KB)

First 1,000

1 - 1,000,000  (23KB)

First 10,000

1 - 100,000,000  (263KB)

First 100,000

1 - 10,000,000,000 (2.94MB)

First 1,000,000

1 - 1,000,000,000,000 (9.67MB - zip download only)


Want Even More Perfect Squares...?

Generate lists of perfect squares up to 10^27!

Download Perfect Square Generator (12KB)

Output perfect squares in a selected range to text files.

  1. Save the program (PS-Gen.exe) to a folder.
  2. Specify From and To values (must be less than 10^15).
  3. Select the range (number of values*) for each text file.
  4. Click Start.

What you get?

The first number is the perfect square root (the counting number); the second number is the perfect square (square number); the third number is the interval from the previous perfect square. (For example, 101, 10201, 201 means 10201 is the 101st perfect square and the previous square number is 10000.)

*If you accept the default of 100,000, that means 100,000 values (and lines) will be written to each file.


 © 2012 Michael M. Ross



Secrets of the Spiral

See how perfect squares are the basis for the Sacks Number Spiral